About Us
Bestproject was born in 2001, due to the need of transferring to the project an accumulation of practical engineering acts acquired over time.
In almost two decades, acting on the whole dimension of real estate intervention, knowledge and experience have been acquired, which allows us to give all the answers, necessary for decision support, coordination, project execution, quality verification, financial control. A transversal intervention to the entire project
Bestproject keeps its focus on the intervention of existing buildings, favours efficiency and sustainability, offering a set of solutions perfectly coordinated, that respond to regulatory and safety requirements, but, based on economic maintenance and durability criteria.
The construction, and rehabilitation of buildings, requires close proximity between the developer, designers and executing entities. Knowing and interpreting the conditions of the place, looking for the best solutions, makes the reality of the project a constant challenge. Making the promoter's intention possible and finding the best solution, defines our way of acting.